School Based Physical Therapy Continuing Education

Requests for NC DPI ECD Professional Learning should come from a PSU Administrator.  If you are interested, or in need of Professional Learning , please contact your local PSU Administrator.   The link is provided below, so that you will know what information is required from the PSU Administrator.
Individual Practitioners should not use this link to request Professional Learning sessions.
DPI is working to complete the PL catalog, the link will be posted on the DPI website.

Requesting NC DPI ECD Professional Learning

Exceptional Children Conference

The NC DPI EC Annual Conference is held each year in Greensboro.  Information on the upcoming EC Conference and previous conferences can be found on the EC Annual Conference Page of the NC DPI website.

NC DPI Summer Institutes

Annually, the EC Division schedules a weeklong Summer Institute, with a wide variety of offerings.  This professional development is designed to provide opportunities for administrators, teachers and related services personnel seeking in-service training in the education of exceptional children.  A list of summer courses is provided, and registration includes a minimal fee for this professional development.

Information and registration on the upcoming summer institutes can be found on the Summer Institutes page of the NC DPI website.

NC DPI Statewide Meeting of Related Services Representatives

  • Fall 2022 Meeting of Related Service Representatives | October 3, 2022
  • Spring 2022 Meeting of Related Service Representatives | May 27, 2022
  • Spring 2021 Meeting of Statewide Physical Therapy Representatives | May 20, 2021
    • View recordings, handouts, and notes
  • Fall 2020 Meeting of Statewide Representatives | November 20, 2020
    • High-Leverage Practices in Special Education: Assessment
    • NC Fall PT Meeting Slides
    • PT Meeting Chat (Fall 2020)
    • The Universal Design for Learning Guidelines

Best Practices in Related Service Documentation

  • Link to Video (YouTube)
  • Companion Slides

Integrated IEP Development

This half-day course focuses on practical strategies to develop more student-centered IEP goals and progress monitoring to collaborate with all team members to improve student achievement and function throughout the school day.

To request this PD in your area, please have your EC Director complete a request form.

Movement Based Instruction

Movement Based Instruction Understand the role of movement in learning. Experience movements that help the brain and body work together. Acquire resources and ENTHUSIASM for implementing movement in classrooms. Design bank of movement-based instructional strategies.

This course provides an overview of the theoretical underpinning, evidence base, and ideas for movement-based learning activities in schools. Content and resources will cover strategies for use with students across grade and ability levels. Participants will engage in sample activities throughout the day and have opportunities to plan their own, additional, movement-based teaching methods using the NC SCoS as a guide.

  • To request this PD in your area, please have your EC Director complete a request form.
  • Additional MBI Information and resources

Medicaid in Education

Get Started with the Medicaid in Education On-Demand Course
  • Medicaid in Education On-Demand Course
    • These on-demand modules provide background on why public schools recover costs for health services from Medicaid, the three programs available for Public School Unit (PSU) participation, how each program works, helpful practices and considerations for all who participate (and much more…). This course includes 4 modules; and will provide .3 CEUs (3 hours).
  • Medicaid in Education Live Sessions (in-person or virtual)
    • This course provides an overview of school-based Medicaid programs, including administrative claiming, fee-for-service, cost reporting, and documentation. Content can be tailored to meet the needs of a given audience.
    • To request this PD in your area, please have your EC Director complete a request form.
  • Additional Medicaid Information and resources

Overview of School-Based Practice

The Overview of School-based Practice is offered annually as a Summer Institute to support the orientation of newly hired or contracted practitioners into educational practice. Your consultants for Psychological Services (Lynn Makor), Occupational Therapy (Bridgette LeCompte), Physical Therapy (Laurie Ray) and Speech-Language (Perry Flynn) are also working with the talented Amy McLemore to develop this content into on-demand modules for availability through NC DPI ECD Professional Learning. Recognizing the remarkable personnel turnover of late, we have posted the recorded Overview of School-based Practice sessions from the 2020 Summer Institute for interim access.

Get Started with Overview of School-Based Practice On-Demand Course

Additional Upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities

If you would like to add an event to share, please contact Amy McLemore

  • Improving Programs through MTSS: Leveraging OT and PT
    • October 4, 2022 | McDowell County
    • October 11, 2022 | Lee County
    • October 19, 2022 | Wilson County

These are offered for your information, they are not necessarily endorsed or co-sponsored by DPI.  Please see additional information.

Schedule a Meeting for Physical Therapy or Medicaid Consultation (NC only)

Questions, concerns, discussion, program planning, and anything else regarding PT practice in NC public schools or Medicaid reimbursement.


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